Cadre Check-up

Our health is the basis for a high quality of life. Regular check-ups can help to detect health problems and their consequences at an early stage. Treatment can be initiated at an early stage.

Before the check-up

Please come to the practice in the morning on an empty stomach for the blood test. Please do not eat any solid food after midnight.

You will need a full bladder for the ultrasound examination, so please drink enough. Suitable beverages are water and unsweetened or artificially sweetened tea. Coffee, milk and fruit juices are not permitted.


The blood sample, electrocardiogram, lung function test and chest X-ray are followed by an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs and the carotid artery. You will then be served a hearty breakfast with a daily newspaper. You will then be interviewed and examined in detail by one of our medical specialists for an hour.

In the next step, your eyesight and hearing will be tested. This is followed by an exercise ECG on a bicycle. This records whether your heart and blood pressure are behaving normally under physical stress.

After a shower, our doctor will be available to discuss all the results with you and give you further recommendations and tips.

The Cadre Check-up takes about 4.5 hours. Please reserve enough time from the date you have chosen.

Scope of services

  • Medical history
  • Medical history (personal, family)
  • Internal examination (full body examination)
  • Vaccination status
  • Stress levels (work-life balance, risk of burnout)
  • Health behavior (sport and exercise, diet and stimulants, sleep)
  • Final consultation (with recommendations for lifestyle changes or further clarifications, handing out of brochures)
  • Resting ECG and exercise ECG on the bike
  • Lung function
  • Hearing test
  • Eye test
  • Ultrasound of abdominal organs and carotid artery
  • X-ray of the lungs in two planes
  • Blood cells (red blood count, white blood cells, blood cell distribution, platelets)
  • Blood chemistry (kidney and liver values, blood lipid values, pancreas, thyroid gland, blood sugar, electrolytes, iron stores)
  • Haemoccult (blood in the stool)
  • Inflammation parameters (erythrocyte sedimentation rate, CrP)
  • Urinalysis
  • For men > 40 years PSA (prostate cancer test)

After the check-up

Based on the results, we can give you recommendations and tips on how to improve or maintain your health. If any health problems are diagnosed during the check-up, we will give you recommendations on how to proceed.

At the end of the examination, you will receive all of your results printed out and electronically on a CD, as well as a second CD with your X-ray images.

Data protection

The ifa doctors are subject to medical confidentiality, and Siemens Switzerland does not receive any individual examination results or information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about a person's state of health. As an employee, you will receive all your personal examination results.


ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 44 44
Monday to Friday
ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 44 44
Monday to Friday

Appointments can be changed free of charge up to 24 hours (working days) before the agreed date. Any costs incurred will not be covered by Siemens.

Register now

To register for the Cadre Check-up, please select the desired date in the calendar and register with your Siemens e-mail address.

The check-up takes about 4.5 hours. Please allow sufficient time from the selected date.