My Health Numbers

Purpose of preventive medical check-ups

Our health is the basis for a high quality of life. Regular check-ups can help to detect health problems and their consequences at an early stage. Early treatment can then be initiated. By choosing the ifa as the central provider for check-ups, Nestlé wants to ensure a consistently high level of quality.

Nestle 2

Procedure of your check-up

A blood sample, resting electrocardiogram, hearing test and eye test are performed.

This is followed by an internal examination (full body examination) including vaccination status and discussion of the results of the previous examinations. The doctor will give you personalized recommendations and tips on your results.

The check-up takes 60 minutes. Please reserve enough time for your chosen appointment.

Mobile Praxis Aussenansicht 1182

Scope of services

  • Internal examination (full body examination)
  • Vaccination status (if vaccination card is brought along)
  • Health risks and individual advice on the analyses
  • Weight, height, BMI
  • Waist and hip circumference (Waist-Hip Ratio, WHR)
  • Blood pressure / pulse measurement
  • Resting electrocardiogram
  • Hearing test
  • Eye test
  • Blood cells (red blood count, white blood cells, blood cell distribution, platelets)
  • Blood chemistry (kidney and liver values, blood lipid values, thyroid, blood sugar, urea, uric acid)
  • Inflammation values (CRP)
  • Based on the results, we can give you recommendations and tips on how to improve or maintain your health. If any health problems are identified during the check-up, we will provide you with recommendations on how to proceed.
  • Once the examination is complete, you will receive all findings electronically by e-mail.

Data protection

  • The ifa doctors are bound by medical confidentiality and Nestlé Switzerland does not receive any individual examination results or information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about an employee's state of health. As an employee, you will receive all your personal examination results.
  • The health data is stored locally in a cloud in Switzerland.


The program is reserved for Nestlé employees in Switzerland (Nestlé contract) for more than 3 months.

A My Health Numbers check-up is offered every three years.

Registrations should preferably be made at the employee's work site.


  • Nestlé Waters, Henniez (January 15 to 18)
  • Nestlé Research Center (January 22 to February 8)
  • Nestlé Bergère (February 12 to March 7)
  • Factory Konolfingen (March 11 to 26)
  • Campus E2V (April 15 to 26)
  • Nestlé CH Orbe (April 30 to May 17)
  • PTC Orbe (May 21 to 31)
  • Nespresso Avenches (June 4 to 14)
  • The N Vevey (June 18 to 28)

Please arrive at the specified location 5 minutes before the appointment.

If you do not deregister via the booking system (OneDoc), the ifa is obliged to inform Nestlé of the name of the person concerned. Missed appointments will be billed to Nestlé.

If you wish to change your already booked appointment, please do so either via your appointment confirmation or via your user profile in the booking system (OneDoc).

Appointments can be changed up to 48 hours (working days) before the agreed date at no cost to Nestlé.

No-show: If you do not deregister via the booking system (OneDoc), the ifa is obliged to inform Nestlé of the name of the person concerned.

Register now

Select your date in the calendar using the button below and register for an appointment.

Please register for the appointment with your private e-mail address and enter the Nestlé employee number in the field Reason for visit/annotation.

The check-up takes about 60 minutes. Please reserve enough time from your chosen appointment.

Please bring the following with you to the check-up:

Please eat only light food (not high in sugar or fat) before the examination.

Please arrive at the specified location 5 minutes before your appointment.


I understand that My Health Numbers health checks are only available to Nestlé employees in Switzerland who have been employed by Nestlé for more than three months.

I understand that I will be offered a My Health Numbers check-up every three years.


ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 54 86
ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 54 86

Appointments can be changed up to 48 hours (working days) before the agreed date at no cost to Nestlé.

No-show: If you do not deregister via the booking system (OneDoc), the ifa is obliged to inform Nestlé of the name of the person concerned. Missed appointments will be billed to Nestlé.