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Occupational medicine

Contact German-speaking Switzerland

ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 44 44

Contact French-speaking Switzerland

ifa Institut de médecine du travail Chemin du Vallon 26 1030 Bussigny Tel. 021 800 00 62

Occupational medicine

Reduce work-related health risks and optimize workplaces.

Arbeitsmedizin Absenzen BGM 3 KOPIE 686

Contact German-speaking Switzerland

ifa Institute for Occupational Medicine Kreuzweg 3 P. O. Box 5401 Baden Tel. 056 205 44 44

Contact French-speaking Switzerland

ifa Institut de médecine du travail Chemin du Vallon 26 1030 Bussigny Tel. 021 800 00 62

We support you with healthy work design

By law, work-related illnesses must be prevented in the workplace. This means that workplaces must be set up in such a way that tasks can be carried out efficiently and at the same time with as few adverse health effects as possible.

We analyze chemical, hygienic, ergonomic and psychological risks in the workplace and recommend measures to reduce them.

Ergonomie Tastatur 1 1182

Our specific services

  • All types of medical fitness examinations

  • Clarification of possible work-related health disorders

  • Analysis and evaluation of health risks in the work environment

  • Analyses and advice on the implementation of the Maternity Protection Ordinance

  • Advice on the design of workplaces, work equipment, work processes and shift models

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